We just wanted to say Happy Holidays and give you something to smile over on this day! We hope your with family and friends and have lots of love on this day.
Your Life As A Dog Video
This is a cute video showing us what amazing things dog have like how their vision and hearing is much much better than ours. Dogs and humans are great for each other in ways because we make up for each others weaknesses. Dogs have amazing vision at night compared to ours. Dogs have great attitudes, great lives with us and I utterly adore mine. I know she has better hearing and sight because she’ll see or hear things before I even know it’s coming. If only they could talk… Or maybe that’s a bonus to them ?
Crazy Dog Sleeping – Funny Video
Such a funny video of this dog sleeping on the couch and having a horrible night mare. I almost want to wake the poor guy up. They say dogs have cognitive thinking just like humans and that can reach REM sleep where they actually have dreams like we do. This is clear that this dog is having some sort of dream. Mine does that as well and she will whine, run, climb, and do all sorts of stuff to either chase or get away from something. I’d love to know what she’s doing and seeing. Too bad they can’t tell us what the dream was about i’d be curious.
Dog Rescue ! Great Story !
This is a story of a group called the Bill Foundation that rescues Bethany. Bethany is a very sick dog that needed lots of love, tlc, and attention. It looked playful when she’d stand. This is a great story of this group saving her and rescuing her from death. I’m so grateful to all animal organizations out there like this. An amazing story and what amazing hearts these individuals have. I adored the video even though it’s tough to look at a dog in that sort of condition but it’s great to see such a fantastic effort to save a life. Thanks!
The Greatest Friendship On Earth – Canine And Man
I agree that the greatest friendships on earth was created when they made and wolves became dogs. This is a good video that they did on animal planet that is very educating. I love that we’ve came so far and the dog has became such great parts of our lives. Canine’s are amazing creatures and amazing parts of our lives. I do not know what I would do without my dog. They are amazing additions to our families. Great video and I loved learning the history of canines. Man’s best friend for sure !
Sad Cat Diary … OMG SOOO FUNNY
Dear Diary I have been stocking a bug on the wall for three days…I have just discovered it is a thumb tack…what is this place ??? Love this. I know we usually just do dog videos but I loved this. It was so funny and cute. Poor kitty..I hope no one left you to die! I love cats and they have such personalities I don’t even know where to begin with them. They are just so…clever and they don’t need humans that’s for sure! That’s more than likely why I have dogs because at least I feel a little needed by someone in this world. Too cute and loved this video.
Puppy Wants Pizza ! Cute Video
Adorable video of this dog wanting his owners pizza. My pets beg and beg and I get so annoyed some times. I’ve had to train them to stay out of the kitchen otherwise I am always tripping all over of them. If I drop something though they always dart in and get the crumb but I can’t get on to them about that because they do help in the clean up aspect of things. Very cute video this dog looks so desperate for food and I’m sure he is always eating too.
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Puppy Sleeping In Water – Great Video
Cute video of a lab pup sleeping in his water dish…just adorable. Dogs are adorable when they’re sleeping. Dogs are adorable creatures. I can not believe this dog is actually sleeping in water I don’t believe it ! Pups go and go and go and it seems all of sudden they just crash like this. I think it’s amazing how they can go non stop then suddenly pass out!
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Dachshunds So Excited For Bath Time They Are Jumping In The Tub!
This is a cute and funny video of this Dachshunds that are loving bath time! The Dachshunds actually jump into the bath tub and swim around. I wish my dogs were this excited when it’s bath time. I love it! How do i train my pups to do this? Dogs love water and love the opportunity to swim I think. My dog and I are constantly going to the river and hanging out.
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What your dog does when you’re not home!! -Great video!!!
This is an adorable video! This dog is just going down the slide for fun with no one baiting him with treats! So, funny! He is enjoying every minute of it too. Super cute…I always wonder what my dogs do when I’m not home. Like one time I came home and my furniture was literally turned around…what the heck were they doing? Like they were chasing each other and things got out of hand??? I just don’t get it. Super funny though!
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